Friday 14 March 2008

Today - 14/03/08

As predicted, Merlin was far worse today than yesterday. He wasn't biting me though, oh no! He was throwing his weight at me as hard as he could. The sessions didn't go well and then I tore a chunk out of my finger somehow, maybe on the lead rope clasp. Anyway, I don't do blood, and there was lots!!! So I halted the lesson, fed the boys and fled home with several plasters holding the hole closed!

Feeling despondent again today now :(


Rising Rainbow said...

Wow, it sounds like you have your hands full. Dealing with a stallion who has not learned proper boundaries can be really difficult.

Kim said...

It's not easy, I'll admit, but I don't know why suddenly the boundaries are being tested. We were fine a few weeks ago, and now it's mayhem.

Kim said...

I hope the lack of posts doesn't indicate a bad injury for you... finger is okay? Hold on, Kim, you can do this. I am sending you positive thoughts and strength. (let me know if it works, I will bottle it!)

Kim said...

Thanks for the visit Kim. My finger is very sore (oh, I'm such a wimp!). I haven't given up totally yet, but a change of direction is needed.

Kim x

Popsicola said...

Well murlin is just a wonderland dream!He is very cute anyone would want him.But he is only a baby so he must bite a lot.It would realy hurt if you got bitten by him.Thats probably why he gets hurt because he annoys other horses.Stallions are very hard to teach aspecially in mating season because all they want to do is mate.