Wednesday 12 August 2009


"How do you keep your whites so bright?"

"Oh, I just pop them in the machine with some bleach and a blue bag!"

He's so fluorescent, you could almost believe that he has been on a boil cycle! By the end of his bath, he was actually beginning to enjoy himself, and I had to try very hard not to squeeze him all up in my arms, but that wouldn't be cool. So I just kissed him a bit! You must never, ever call a stallion cute, though, they just don't like it :)

My continued fascination has begun to spill over into my work and I found myself making a miniature Merlin. I was very pleased with it, until sadly it got dropped and the legs broke. I could repair it, but it's just as easy to start again (sigh!) The neck wasn't deep enough though, so I'll have to make more of them. You can never have too many little Merlin's, believe me, it's true :)


Kim said...

Love that cutie! And how can you think he is anything other than perfectly innocent? ;)

Kim said...

Hahahaha, Kim, you are soooo funny. He is many things, but innocent is not one of them :)

Kim x

Laura J. Wellner (author pseudonym Laura J. W. Ryan) said...

He's certainly magical, very handsome (and don't tell him I said so, he's mighty cute!)

Anonymous said...

He does look beautiful :-) btw can't get into Oakmoon anymore :-(

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, Kim. Another thing to distract me from writing to horses! Don't print your address, I might come kidnap beautiful Merlin.

Kim said...

You're more than welcome to visit us, Meg, especially if you want to write a book about Merlin ;)

Tuatha of the Isles said...

Love your magical 'white' Merlin ;)