Sunday, 27 July 2008


I'd like to appologise to everyone who drops by to see how Merlin is going, just to find that I haven't posted for a while. Thank you for still visiting, and I'll try to update weekly, but honestly, he's going so well at the moment, you would all get sick of reading about 'darling this' and 'darling that' :)

I will however, be sure to get lots of pictures of him lungeing, which should be worth a laugh :)

Today he had a version of a bath! He's very wary of water, or anything dripping down his legs or body, so I started with a damp sponge and took it from there. When I look back at how I just lunged at Oliver with a hose, the first time I bathed him, I wonder that that poor horse wasn't traumatised for life! Maybe I should just 'go for it' with Merlin, but he's soooo sensitive and precious that I want to get it completely right. It's not how the modern horse trainers (Monty Roberts, Parelli, Mark Rashid) would do things and I don't want to undo all my good work by being heavy handed at this stage. It's just not worth mucking it all up, to get the job done quickly!!!!

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