Sunday, 6 April 2008

Snow 06/04/08

It was sooo beautiful at the field this morning, and the boys had a thoroughly good time, rolling and playing. Unfortunately my camera ran out of juice, so I couldn't get all the pictures I wanted.

Amazingly, this afternoon the snow had thawed enough for me to do a little work with Toffee and Merlin, and Merlin seemed to catch on at last to being touched gently with a carrot stick, although this still needs a lot of work!


Popsicola said...

He just looks adorable when he is in a picture with snow but it dosent meen he dosent look adorable in any other pictures!By the way you look very clever in the pictures with him i meen even i cant stroke or teach or even get near stalions so bravo your very lucky!

Kim said...

What a lovely comment, Popsicola, thank you for dropping by and making my day special :)